Sharon's Blog

Wishing You a Happy Holiday!

I’ve always particularly loved this diary entry written by Nelson Eddy’s mother dated “Xmas at Misty – 1945”. (Misty was the nickname for the old remodeled cowboy bunkhouse Nelson rented on the property high up in the LA hills at 1330 Angelo Drive.) “Upon arriving, Blossom (Jeanette’s sister) and I left the packages and took a long mountain ride, leaving the children (Nelson, Jeanette) to trim the tree and Mary (Isabel’s housekeeper/cook) to busy herself in the kitchen with tomorrow’s dinner. When we returned, the tree was finished and Mary had a light supper ready for them…. In the evening, Nelson lighted the fireplace…. Jeanette was busy arranging gifts about the tree and Nelson was sitting in his big chair beside the fire talking of other Xmas’s when he had been so lonely…. It was now about a half hour before midnight and suddenly Blossom took her seat at the organ…[Jeanette] now took her place beside the organ…. A wave of color passed over his face as she smiled at him. His eyes filled with tears and then he smiled. She began to sing and the songs were chosen for only one listener but the others loved them too. When her voice took up their ‘love call’, he arose and joined in the singing, his arm encircling her, and their voices became one.” From Chapter 22 of “Sweethearts,” free to read today with Kindle Unlimited or to purchase: